Parangtritis Beach, Wonderful beach in Java, Indonesia

Parangtritis beach is located in Indonesia precisely in the area of ​​Yogyakarta. This beach is very popular because it is always the first rank of the row that must visit in Yogyakarta. In addition to this popular beach has many unique among others :
Myth and History Parangtritis Yogyakarta
The tourists that attention will be history, must have known that, according to the story long ago there was a man fled from the kingdom of Majapahit named Dipokusumo. By the time he will be meditating, he saw a trickle of water from the crevices of the rock, said rock in the Java language may be mentioned with a "machete" and the water droplets can be called with the word "tumatitis", so was born the name of the area as Parangtritis means water that drips from the rock. Parangtritis is believed to be a manifestation of the unity among of Yogyakarta, which is the object or icon (actually not just an icon, because the term unity among this very closely with the mythical city of Jogjakarta) consisting of Mount Merapi, Kraton Jogja, and beach The are forming a straight line from north to south area of ​​Yogyakarta. The local community also believe that Parangtritis is a part of the territory Queen of the South known as Nyai Roro Kidul.
Myths, Nyai Roro Kidul like objects that have a green color, therefore, for the tourists who visit Parangtritis Yogyakarta, sometimes there is a kind of waffle or suggestion like that to not wear green clothes, because they are worried that someone wearing a green T-shirt or shirt, they could be favored by the Nyai Roro Kidul and towed out to sea to join the army soldiers or Nyai. But despite all the myths that exist, the tourists visitors Parangtritis should prepare and always be careful, because the waves on the beach is practically very big, and visitors are not allowed to bathe in this beach because the landscape the beach is very steep and very dangerous. Tourists are advised to follow the warnings and rules by the coast guard as long as it's there any casualties that have been taken away because of the ferocity of the waves this beach and noncompliance visitors. Besides laden with mystery stories Nyai Roro Kidul, Parangtritis is also reported as a meeting place Panembahan Senopati with Sunan Kalijaga shortly after Panembahan Senopati completed a hermitage. As well as a place for recreation, Parangtritis is also a sacred place. Many visitors come to meditate. This beach is one of the places to perform the ceremony of Labuhan Kraton Yogyakarta.
This of course make you curious about this beach ? So, here we go now guys...

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